“I don’t think I was lustful like that, until I saw him in that little outfit,” said Whoopi Goldberg in the new documentary “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story.” Goldberg was, of course, referencing the 1978 electric blue lycra body suit and red cape Reeve wore in the first ever live-action adaptation of the seminal comic book series.
Since then, the blue, red and yellow ensemble worn by Clark Kent’s alter-ego has remained largely unchanged over the decades — especially when compared to his heroic counterparts. While Batman eventually ditched his tights in favor of a darker, more militant type of body armor, Superman held strong with his second-skin suit. And although we’ve certainly seen a variety of blue shades — from periwinkle to cobalt and even Dean Cain’s indigo-washed costume from the 1990’s TV show “Lois & Clark” — Superman’s uniform is still instantly recognizable across generations. In fact, there is only one film — Zack Snyder’s 2013 “Man of Steel” — in which Superman does not wear his iconic red belted trunks.